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This is the 2018 Christmas Poem Even Santa can get the flu This is the story of “Santa Plan B” Naturally this is a true story as retrieved from the Santa archives.
                            Santa Skipped His Flu Shot ‘Twas the eve before Christmas – And the whole Pole knew Santa Claus had come down with the flu. When Santa’s temp passed one oh three – The elves went into Santa - Plan B. They’d done it in past years, a time or two.  They called in the only one that will do, The Turquoise, Eponymous, Fiona La Bleu. A Hippo, or an Ogre or a Saint she aint. What she was, well, no one quite knew, She was as large as a barge and really quite quaint, The Turquoise, Eponymous, Fiona La Bleu. So whilst Santa is down with some sort of toxin She’ll do the job with her sleigh and twelve oxen. Her sleigh was enormous, an’ when it streaked ‘cross the heavens It sounded like a half dozen 747’s. They’d fly over cities, forests, and fens; If you wanted a picture you’d need a wide angle lens. They notified the army; they wanted them to know The radar blip was Fiona, not a UFO. She went from house to house like a roaring herd of cattle. Lo, the noise they did make caused windows to rattle. When they landed on a rooftop the whole town knew… It was the Turquoise, Eponymous, Fiona La Bleu. While Fiona’s “Ho - Ho – Ho’s” could echo for weeks in your ear, There’s absolutely no reason to worry or fear. Santa’ll be back in good form for Christmas next year… The elves and Mrs Santa, more likely than not Will make sure Santa’s EARLY for his next flu shot!                             Happy Christmas to all….