© gXb, Tadwell.com
It’s a fortnight ‘till Christmas...   Fourteen eves to go, And something’s brewing at the North Pole,                   Just wanted you to know. Dasher has replacement knees;  Dancer has ‘em too. Vixen’s into yoga;  Comet and Cupid are down with the flu. Donner and Blitzen left for warmer climes. Sipping margaritas and re-hashing old times. Even Rudolph said he can’t go.... He’s just signed on to a reality show. But, Santa’s not worried in this year so pivotal, ‘Cause he’s e-Santa 2.0 --- He’s gone digital! There’s ten reindeer robots sporting artificial fur, With tiny jet engines; an’ when they start to whir, Spin the sleigh ‘cross the sky in a red and white blur. Antennas for bot-antlers and non-slip toes Why even bot-Rudolph has an LED nose! The sleigh is now high tech, with screens, buttons, and lights And uses more power than two Chicago nights. There are beeps and alarms in all different tones, And stowed in the back are ten thousand drones. In legend it’s told, Santa never gets cold, As he runs through his rounds in the night. But the truth is more bold; he’s getting old And now chimneys fit ever so tight. But the drones don’t care, they fly through the air, Go up ‘n down chimneys with ease. They do their share, and with no time to spare Return to the hive just like bees. GPS leads the way, and at the end of the day, After all the noise, hubbub, and glitter. You might hear him exclaim             “Merry Christmas to all!” Or just simply read it on Twitter.
e-Santa 2.0 ----------------------------------------
This poem has 3 titles.... e-Santa 2.0 T’was the Fortnight Before Christmas It’s Cold Dear, Put Another Analog on the Fire. Santa sent me a text telling me not to release this poem before Christmas, but I just couldn’t wait......  I hope that doesn’t affect my naughty / nice ratio.         ******************************************************* edit 12/26/15---- it did NOT affect my naughty / nice ratio, thank goodness.