© gXb, Tadwell.com
This is the true story of a couple with their entire family coming over for Thanksgiving Dinner ...... but they forgot to defrost the turkey. Tragedies like this used to happen all the time, but now, thanks to a new Super Hero they are no longer commonplace. Thanks to Roaster Super Hero --- the ONLY super hero with gravy and stuffing stains on his cape.
It was the morning of Thanksgiving; it was dark and murky. And still in the freezer was a 16 pound turkey. Now when Ma and her Geezer went down to the freezer the turkey they saw takes 4 days to thaw. What to do?  What to do?  was all they could think, as they unwrapped Tom Turkey ‘n put ‘im in the sink. It was going to be a turkey disaster, ‘cause the bird was as hard as a bucket of plaster. Its temperature was ‘bout 12 below zero, when Poof!  Zap! Kazoom! Appeared Roaster Super Hero! He came through the door, from out on the porch, and carried in his hand a magical torch. The torch came alight with a sharp little pop, and defrosted the Tom from bottom to top. In a second or two, or maybe a dozen, Roaster Super Hero had the bird a‘roastin’ in the oven. Then he turned to face Ma and her Mate;   pointing a finger he said:  “Next year be more timely and don’t wait so late!” Then Whoosh!  He was gone, that Super Hero so brave, for there were plenty of other Thanksgivings to save.
Roaster Super Hero
The Ballad of Roaster Super Hero                                   11/26/15