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The meeting was opened by the secretary (that’s the Mayor’s ex wife) First item was a prayer by Reverend Goodby (pronounced Good - bee). Old business: The request for an allocation of $800,000 by the Third Ward Councilman to build a bridge from the 4th ward to 3rd ward was tabled again for the 82nd time.  The Mayor stood by his previous order that said there would have to be a petition signed by at least 25 people from the third ward before it would even get to a discussion.  The Third Ward Councilman, who is the only resident of the third ward, protested but could not bring it to a vote.  The city did authorize an expenditure of $237.52 for fuel for the Third Ward Councilman’s boat so that he could attend council meetings. The Second Ward Councilman reported on the fund drive to build a library.  He recommended reducing the Third Ward Councilman’s boat fuel allowance to $78.96 and putting the difference into the library sinking fund.  The motion passed on a 4 to 1 vote. The Mayor suggested, that in the light of past events that they change the name of the library sinking fund to anything other than a sinking fund.  The Second Ward Councilman took responsibility for solving that problem. New Business Residents of the 2nd and 4th wards presented a petition that would allow all Fairhope2 residents to recycle their Illinois license plates since Fairhope2 had managed to stay in Kentucky for many of the last 55 years (with not too many trips out of state).  The Mayor, who also owns the recycler down on Flora Street, allowed that all license plates could and should be recycled since the colors of the “other state” had changed and that they wouldn’t be any good anyway.  A motion was made and passed 5-0.  Note that 63 pounds of license plates were discovered on the steps of the council building the next morning. The Mayor proposed that the population of the city that is posted on the city limits signs be changed to reflect the new population based on the recent census.  The First Ward Councilman objected since his wife was expecting and her family had a history of having twins.  The Councilman went on to say that it would be a waste of money to update the signs today and have to update them again in 7 months.  The discussion was generally in favor of waiting 7 months with the Mayor being the only proponent of doing it now.  The final result was that the city would install solar powered signs with lighted numbers  that could be changed remotely from within the city offices.  Reverend Goodby volunteered to go to McDonalds down on route 392 to see how their 33-billion-hamburgers-sold sign works.  Council authorized the expenditure for one big Mac and a small Coke for the Reverend.  They noted that if he wanted french fries he would have to find an alternate source of funding for that. The meeting closed, but only after the Mayor chided the Third Ward Councilman about his method of transport to council meetings.  The Mayor claimed that since the council had authorized funding for gasoline for the councilman’s boat that he should use the boat as transport to attend meetings.  The Mayor went on to say that wearing waders into council meetings was simply inappropriate and that the carpet under the councilman’s desk was getting moldy. The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
Minutes from City Council 4/30/15