© gXb, Tadwell.com
Well, it’s 2017 and I’m gonna write an Easter poem.  This one came to me at exactly 0454 hours on 11 March.  I know ‘cause I woke up singing “Here comes Calvin Cottontail...” and I looked at the clock.  This could have been a tragedy for Calvin Cottontail except for the testimony of the witnesses, the sage advice of Yoda, and the magic of a bunny rabbit’s nose.
Here comes Calvin Cottontail… walking down the Bunny Trail… WAIT !!!  a cottontail doesn’t WALK, hey, stop!   But Calvin’s gotta walk, ‘cause Calvin lost his Hop! It all started late last night…. Calvin jumped left, and his Hop hopped right! The wise owl saw it all and he saw it best… Calvin jumped east, and his Hop hopped west! They also heard from the brown and white hen… Calvin jumped 9 and his Hop hopped 10! The farmer, who had a hole in his shoe… “Calvin jumped green, and his Hop hopped blue!” And Yoda gave the best advice he could.  ‘Cause Yoda’s advice was always great…  “By the fence for your Hop, wait you should.  Over there, by the gate.” Calvin walked to the fence, but he couldn’t walk fast. Heard a noise from behind as his Hop hopped past! The Hop kept going as hops oft times do, But Calvin couldn’t catch’m ‘cause the Hop just flew. With scissors n’ paper Calvin made a sign – a red light on top With a pencil he colored it:       STOP !, HOP !, STOP ! Put the sign by the fence in front of the gate,      Sat back down and began his wait. It didn’t take long, just a minute or two The Hop came a-hoppin’ like a baby kangaroo It hopped to the right, to the left, and then sorta straight And on a bee line headed true towards Calvin’s gate The Hop stopped at the sign  -------  For a moment he just set, Then leapt ‘n crept ‘n stept   --   and still yet,  Calvin caught him fast with a butterfly net. Calvin wagged his rabbit tail and wiggled his rabbit nose, And with that special Cottontail magic fixed the Hop to his toes. Calvin leaped -- head over tail and did a somersault flop, And scurried down the bunny trail with a hippity, hop, hop.
Calvin Cottontail
Calvin Cottontail Loses His Hop